Geistlich Derma-Gide®

Various Government Contracting Vehicles
As a result of our partnerships, Geistlich Derma-Gide® has been added to Affirmative Solutions Strategic Acquisition Center (SAC) Biologics and Biological Implants Contract and Recon Supply’s National Acquisition Center (NAC) Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) contract for the Department of Veterans Affairs. In addition, as a result of our partnership with Apiary Medical, Geistlich Derma-Gide® has been also added to the ECAT (Electronic Catalog) that is used primarily by the DoD.
These contracting vehicles pave the way for physicians and staff of VA and DoD facilities to utilize Geistlich Derma-Gide® for the management of hard to heal wounds. The product is FDA cleared for a wide variety of indications, including diabetic foot ulcers, venous leg ulcers, surgical wounds, and first/second degree burns (among others).
It is important to Geistlich to partner with SDVOSBs in order to support and honor those that have served in the US Military.
All nine of the Geistlich Derma-Gide® sizes are a part of the FSS, SAC and ECAT so that physicians and their staff have full access to the portfolio of products available to the broader healthcare market.
CAUTION: This product is only available in the U.S.A. Federal (U.S.A.) law restricts these devices to sale by or on the order of a physician.