
An allograft that sets the pace for regeneration
As a leader in oral regeneration, Geistlich understands that in certain clinical situations, rapid turnover of bone is important. With our comprehensive allograft portfolio, vallos® provides you the optimal allograft scaffold to meet a variety of regenerative needs.
About vallos®:
- Single source supplier ensures consistent product quality1
- A full portfolio offering that includes, granules, fibers, demineralized, mineralized and blended allografts
- Stringent donor selection and proprietary aseptic processing that protects the native integrity of the graft
- Comprised of 100% bone
- No synthetic carriers added
A Trusted Partner
Geistlich is excited to introduce our partner MTF Biologics®, a non-profit service organization dedicated to providing clinically sound, safe allograft tissue. Standards for safety and quality are set by a Medical Board of Trustees to ensure the same processes for donor recovery and processing – delivering you a consistent graft.

CAUTION: Federal law restricts these devices to sale by or on the order of a dentist or physician.