Geistlich Nexo-Gide®

Physician Focused Handling and Ease of Use
Geistlich Nexo-Gide® is an off the shelf product that can be easily sutured, trimmed using standard surgical instruments, and naturally conforms to the soft tissue once hydrated.

Surgical technique for achilles wrapping
Geistlich Nexo-Gide® should be used only by surgeons who are familiar with tendon repair techniques.
- DO NOT RESTERILIZE. Any opened, unused material must be discarded.
- The aluminum template must not be implanted.
- If the sterile packaging is damaged or opened, the product must not be used.
- The content of the double-blister packaging is designed for single use only, on a single patient. Discard any unused material.
- Do not use after the expiration date.
- Geistlich Nexo-Gide® has not been studied in pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.
- Geistlich Nexo-Gide® should be used with special caution in patients who take medications or have diseases impairing tissue regeneration.
- Abstinence from smoking during or after treatment is advised.
- On the discretion of the surgeon, Geistlich Nexo-Gide® can be fixed to the implantation site using resorbable suture, as lack of or insufficient fixation of the Geistlich Nexo-Gide® can lead to its displacement.
- Direct mixing of Geistlich Nexo-Gide® with medicinal products, alcohol, disinfectants or antibiotics is not advisable and has not been studied.
- Geistlich Nexo-Gide® should not be applied until bleeding and infection are controlled.
For more information on contraindications, precautions, and directions for use, please refer to the complete Instructions for Use.
CAUTION: This product is only available in the U.S.A. Federal (U.S.A.) law restricts these devices to sale by or on the order of a physician.