Socket seal

After tooth extraction, Ridge Preservation can compensate for volume loss due to unavoidable bone remodeling at the extraction site.1,2 In most cases, this makes Guided Bone Regeneration at the time of implant placement unnecessary.3
Covering an extraction socket with Geistlich Mucograft® Seal can further improve soft-tissue parameters in extraction sockets with preserved buccal walls.3 The round collagen matrix provides an alternative to free gingival punch grafts. A case control study published in 2018 demonstrated that Geistlich Mucograft® Seal causes less scar tissue than a free gingival punch graft.4
- Jung RE, et al.: J Clin Periodontol 2013; 40(1): 90-98. (clinical study)
- Schropp L: Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2003; 23(4): 313-23. (clinical study)
- Rasperini G, et al.: Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2010; 30(3): 265-73. (clinical study)
- Fickl S, et al.: Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2018; 38: e1-7. (clinical study)
Clinical Cases
Maintenance of Keratinised Tissue
Clinical challenge
Socket seal of posterior alveole in late implant placement
Aim / Approach
Conservation of hard and soft-tissue volume after teeth extraction for late implant placement without sinus floor augmentation.
Extraction with late implant placement is an extremely reliable procedure, which has been proven repeatedly in the international literature. The alveolar socket seal technique used in this clinical case, however, is relatively new. The time intervals between the healing of the alveolar socket and implant placement are the same as for the „tissue punch“ technique. The technique of this clinical case has the following advantages: ridge volume preservation, lack of a second operation site, less surgical time, simplification of the procedure, soft-tissue volume preservation due to a socket sealing with Geistlich Mucograft®, and finally a sinus lift procedure is spared thanks to the hard-tissue preservation with Geistlich Bio-Oss®.
Maintenance of Keratinised Tissue
Clinical challenge
Socket seal of anterior alveole in late implant placement
Aim / Approach
Preservation of hard and soft-tissue volume after extraction in the anterior region for late implant placement.
Volume preservation of hard and soft tissue after tooth extraction is important to prevent extensive guided bone regeneration procedures at implant placement. With this minimally invasive procedure, the volume of hard and soft tissue can be better preserved with Geistlich Bio-Oss® Collagen and Geistlich Mucograft®, respectively, compared to spontaneous healing.1
1 Jung RE, et al. J Clin Periodontol. 2013 Jan;40(1):90-8