Geistlich Derma-Gide®

Questions about Reimbursement? Let us help.
Geistlich Derma-Gide® has been assigned a unique HCPCS Code, Q4203 by CMS and is included in the High-Cost Category.
Geistlich and Argenta Advisors, Inc. have partnered to provide the following services:
- Answers to coding, coverage, and payment questions
- Benefits Verification
- Prior Authorization (or Pre-Determination) Support, when needed
- Appeals Support
- Pre-service denials
- Post-service claim denials
For additional information regarding Geistlich Derma-Gide® reimbursement:
Toll-free: 844-339-8148
Fax: 844-339-8149
To view and download our latest reimbursement materials, click on the Reimbursement Guide link on the right.
CAUTION: This product is only available in the U.S.A. Federal (U.S.A.) law restricts these devices to sale by or on the order of a physician.