Geistlich Derma-Gide®

What can I do to increase the chance of my wound healing?
Your health care provider will provide you with specific instructions on how to manage your dressings. Please follow all instructions carefully as this will increase the chance of successful wound healing.
It is crucial to keep your regular appointments following the application of Geistlich Derma-Gide®. Chronic hard-to-heal wounds need support to heal and regular applications (typically weekly) are essential to increase the chance of wound healing.
The biggest improvement will be seen within the first several weeks of graft application. Please continue to follow your health care provider's instructions (including returning to the clinic for additional applications) because even small wounds may have difficulty healing without the use of an advanced wound matrix.

Your health care provider may perform basic allergy testing to ensure that you have no allergic reaction to the material. Allergic reactions to porcine material are a very rare occurrence.
*Not all wounds will heal, even with an advanced wound matrix such as Geistlich Derma-Gide®. Please work closely with your health care provider to optimize the chance of wound healing.