On 2 February, thirteen speakers from twelve countries, all from the world of dentistry, shared their knowledge with congress attendees. The impressive number of participants from around 100 nations were enthusiastic about the high quality of the lectures. Many of them had already attended the equally successful first edition of Geistlich & You last year. A particular highlight at this year’s congress was the workshop given by Prof. Dr. Ronald E. Jung from University Zurich. From all over the world 1050 participants followed Prof. Jung's instructions in front of their screens at home. With the application kit provided, they trained the use of Geistlich biomaterials on the oral model. This was probably the largest virtual hands-on workshop ever held in dentistry.
Two time slots around the world
Geistlich COO Matthias Dunkel said afterwards: “I’m delighted that we were again able to attract thousands of people, both with our program and the workshop. In particular, the high number of returning visitors are confirmation for me that we’re offering a genuine benefit with Geistlich + YOU.” In charge of moderating the event were the extremely knowledgeable professors Istvan Urban (Hungary) and Daniel Buser (Switzerland), who entertainingly and skillfully navigated the two-part congress day.
Four talents conquer the virtual stage
The idea of two time slots to allow interested people around the world to participate proved valuable during last year’s event and was a factor in its success. Participants also appreciated the simultaneous translation into six languages. Alongside nine established, internationally renowned experts, four congress speakers were also given the opportunity to address such a large audience for the first time: the winners of the “Become a Speaker” competition. Matthias Dunkel: “Their expertise and our brand reputation in dentistry make a great double act!”