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1000 studies document Geistlich biomaterials

The 1000th scientific study on Geistlich’s biomaterials in the field of regenerative dentistry was recently published in «PubMed». There are numerous scientists behind this figure who have contributed over several decades to the predictability and thus the safety of Geistlich Pharma’s products.
September 30, 2015

Since the company was founded in 1851, Geistlich Pharma has focused on processing and refining bones and collagen. The company aims to manufacture products that are ideal for use in clinics as well as providing conclusive evidence of their clinical efficacy. New developments are tested until they completely fulfil the company’s strict quality, safety and efficacy requirements and to achieve this, Geistlich Pharma works with medical practitioners and leading scientists to develop new products and treatment concepts.

This evidence-based approach was recently selected for the 1000th publication1 on Geistlich’s biomaterials for the dental industry in «PubMed». An impressive figure, particularly in regenerative dentistry. It means that over the course of several decades, numerous scientists, whether researchers or clinicians, have clinically documented products and tested new procedures with them.

The achievement was celebrated fittingly at the European Association of Osseointegration (EAO) Congress in Stockholm that took place from 24-26 September. Amongst the events, Geistlich Pharma awarded a prize for four studies. For each award-winning study, Geistlich Pharma is donating 1000 francs to the organisation «Doctors of the World».



  1. "1000 studies" means "1000 scientific publications in PubMed (Search terms: Bio-Oss OR Bio-Gide OR Mucograft)"